Thursday, October 20, 2011

Painting - My beginning

As an artist I have had no formal training in painting except an odd course in college. But at a time when I had run out of all conventional avenues for creativity, like a Job - as a fashion designer, or a visual merchandiser. Painting has given me the creative outlet that I need to keep my balance with the my world. Reading and painting are my two passions and I want to share some of the projects that I have undertaken in the past couple of years.
I have learnt painting from observation mostly - simply put If I want to learn about how to paint the water , I picked up a painting that’s challenged me on the subject of water and tried to learn from it . Getting to know the strokes by simply seeing how another Master had some it so beautifully before me ;getting basics right. My need to experiment has resulted in a number of original paintings but even now if there is a painting style I admire, I pick apart that painting and learn. The results have been awesome - sometimes copied to the tee and sometimes so wonderfully different.
All I know is that I am having fun again, forgetting myself in the pleasure of diving onto the wondrous world that is COLOUR.


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